Hi! Carsten Dominik schrieb: > http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/FreeMind ---Zitatende--- Interesting. I was talking about the org-freemind package in the contrib dir of org. The emacswiki page talks about a completely different library. To make this one work, I have to convert my org file to oddeven levels (since it checks if the level step is > 1), but then I can just open the resulting freemind file with freemind 0.9.0~rc4 (from the experimental branch of the debian repository). So: Yay! Thanks! ;) Maybe it would be worth considering to add this to the org-mode documentation. Since it's already part of nxhtml it would probably be useless to add it to org's contrib dir. -- Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs TauPan on Ircnet and Freenode ;)