I've gotten a basic export to Prosper working for a presentation I'm writing to give this weekend. Here is the extra portion for .emacs: (setq org-export-latex-classes (cons '("prosper" "% BEGIN Prosper Defaults \\documentclass[pdf, contemporain]{prosper} \\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \\usepackage[colorlinks,linkcolor=blue]{hyperref} % END Prosper Defaults " ("\\begin{slide}{%s}" . "\\begin{slide}{%s}")) org-export-latex-classes)) Unfortunately it doesn't appear that I can add a closure for the slide, so a manual "\end{slide}" must go at the end of each. Attached is the sample presentation, and it compiles after export with: latex Backups.tex && dvips Backups.dvi && ps2pdf Backups.ps The pdflatex command doesn't work with Prosper. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Russell Adams RLAdams@AdamsInfoServ.com PGP Key ID: 0x1160DCB3 http://www.adamsinfoserv.com/ Fingerprint: 1723 D8CA 4280 1EC9 557F 66E8 1154 E018 1160 DCB3