Ahhhh ... thanks, Carsten!

I'll see what I can do to get `javascript:' to be accepted as `http:' and `ftp:'

Thanks for the pointer to the file I need to focus my efforts on.


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 16:15, Carsten Dominik <carsten.dominik@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mar 3, 2010, at 6:45 PM, Gene Sullivan wrote:


I've been using org-mode via GNU Emacs for several months.
I've been pasting URLs into my org-mode files and thus benefit from launching a browser tab in Mozilla Firefox by just clicking on these URLS.
Recently I've been experimenting with the pseudoURL `javascript:' via Firefox.
I've discovered that when I paste a javascript pseudoURL into my org-mode file, org-mode does not acknowledge it as an URL as it does http: or ftp:

Would you please be so kind to either
(1) forward this to someone developing org-mode OR/AND
(2) point me in the direction of information I can use to modify a specific org-mode file in the distro so that I can add support for the javascript pseudoURL?

I did check gmane for `pseudoURL' through the following query but came up empty handed.


I noticed text at http://orgmode.org/worg/  which indicated that Sebastian Rose has done something
 with Javascript -- org-info-js by Sebastian Rose  -- and maybe would be interested in adding the
javascript pseudoURL to the assortment of URL types presently supported by org-mode?

Can anybody help me get the javascript: pseudoURL integrated into org-mode so it can be  used like http: and ftp: ?



- Carsten