The attached patch makes names in ob-shell.el use the same prefix "org-babel-shell-" (along with a few similar minor consistency updates). Without the patch, three naming conventions exist: - org-babel-shell - org-babel-sh - ob-shell <----- that's my fault :) The Org Babel shell library was previously called "ob-sh.el" and later changed to "ob-shell.el". When this happened, the meaning of the "sh" changed. When the library was called "ob-sh.el", "sh" meant a generic shell. When the library was renamed "ob-shell.el", "shell" took on the role of a generic shell and "sh" became a reference to /bin/sh. The current "sh" names are generic and not specific to "/bin/sh" or something like the Bourne Shell. The patch updates all "sh" names to "shell". When I submitted my async changes, I introduced an "ob-shell" prefix. Emacs names typically begin with the library name and I just continued in that style. Org is different, however, because it's the "org-" library. For sub-libraries, like Babel, the convention is "org-babel--". ob-shell.el is unusual in that it supports multiple languages. However, ob-C.el also supports multiple languages and uses "org-babel--". I find there's no confusion using this style. FWIW, I found it confusing when I first started learning the Org code base that the naming convention is at the "org-" level and not at the library level (for example, "ob-shell-"). A large part of my confusion, I think, was simply inconsistencies within ob-shell. It's late for me, so rather than commit in a rush, I'm posting this for review/comment. The tests pass and I think I preserved all the API function names (like org-babel-execute:template). Thoughts? -- Matt Trzcinski Emacs Org contributor (ob-shell) Learn more about Org mode at Support Org development at