I’ve incorporated the org-protocol documentation into org.texi.


In a separate branch you could see the history of changes to the original org-protocol documentation from worg


Still not sure wether the open-source subprotocol is broken or not.

Kind regards

Am 22.06.2017 um 10:40 schrieb Mario Martelli <tlmtr@schnuddelhuddel.de>:

I’m about to incorporate the new style URIs into the documentation.
During my tests somehow the open-source protocol does not work for me.

I assume a bug around Line 527 in org-protocol.el

      (let* ((base-url (plist-get (cdr prolist) :base-url))
—>               (wsearch (regexp-quote base-url)))           <—

Could anyone confirm that? I’m unsure whether it might be a local misconfiguration on my side or not.

I tried it with the worg example:

emacsclient "org-protocol://open-source?url=http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-import-rtm.html

and escaped

emacsclient 'org-protocol://open-source?url=https%3A%2F%2Forgmode.org%2Fworg%2Forg-tutorials%2Forg-import-rtm.html’

In both cases it fails silently.

I'm not sure why is pandoc needed here. Org can export to Texinfo
format, if needed.

Thank you! Output is much nicer than with pandoc. I’ve disabled it years ago because not needed. So it went out of my sight ;)

Also, if the syntax is not quite right, no worries,
we'll fix it.

That are great news!

Kind regards