Good day all-- I've been reading on the mailing list and web about this but it's entirely unclear to me what I need to do to make this work.  I have a minimal example below to show what I'm fighting. The raw/generated documents below show the problem clearly as the second block doesn't run correctly.  Looking in the session, it receives an "unexpected indent" error which is unreasonable as I can paste that code into Python's REPL and get an expected result. Looking around a bit, people were seeing this 4-5 years ago but I haven't been able to find anything since.  Relevant version info:  9.2 orgmode, High Sierra OSX, and 2.7.10 Python. Thx. --Brad #+NAME: works#+begin_src python :session broken :exports boths = 3t = 4'result = %d' % (s + t)#+end_src Working result below:#+RESULTS: works #+NAME: surprise#+begin_src python :session broken :exports bothtry:    'hi'except:    'there'#+end_src Surprising result (AKA nothing) below:#+RESULTS: surprise leads to the following output: ,----| s = 3| t = 4| 'result = %d' % (s + t)`---- Working result below:,----| result = 7`---- ,----| try:|     'hi'| except:|     'there'`---- Surprising result (AKA nothing) below: