I am using org-mode publishing to generate html files from org files.
The attached example mostly works.
The resulting html file is published at https://wolf-test.netlify.com/f1.html
I am using Emacs 26.1 with Evil Spacemacs 0.200.13 and org-mode version 1.9.1

I have the following questions about Org publishing:

Org publishing generates unused JavaScript functions:
line 42 CodeHighlightOn(elem, id)
line 52 CodeHighlightOff(elem, id)
Is there a way to publish the pages without generating any JavaScript?

Org publishing generates a page title which looks like this:
How to make it like this?:
<title>file name</title>

Various org-publishing options are listed in org-mode manual "13.1.5 Options for the exporters" .
What are the left and right columns for?
Where is the documentation that explains how to use the options?
For example, "title" is listed but I can't figure out how to use them:

‘:with-title’             ‘org-export-with-title’

org-export-with-title is in the Emacs help as a variable but it doesn't say how to use it.