Hi, Eric.  In a recent thread ("Failure exporting with emacs --batch") on this
list, you mentioned:

>> #+BABEL :exports results
> One item to note is that the #+BABEL: syntax is now deprecated, try
> replacing the above line with the following.
> #+PROPERTY: exports results

I've seen the extended discussion on this list about this change, but I
haven't been able to follow the details.  It seems that there were various
proposals and counter proposals.

Can you (or others) clarify a couple of things for me?

(1) Does "deprecated" mean that the BABEL line will be gone from Org-mode 7.8?

(2) I typically use the following BABEL line:

#+BABEL: :session *R* :cache yes :results output verbatim :exports both :tangle

How would I express that using the PROPERTY syntax?


-- Mike