Hi I had kept a backup of my .emacs file in an orgfile. But running the org-agenda, would malfuntion, stating "byte-code: There was no year zero" and the agenda view would not work. I have been able to track it down to the following offending piece of code. Its a piece of my .emacs (setq org-remember-templates '( ("Birthday" ?f "* %^{Navn} :birthday: \n SCHEDULED: <%^{år (YYYY)}-%^{måned (MM)}-%^{dag (DD)} +1y> %!" "~/orgfiles/birthdays.org" "" ) ) ) I dont know if its a bug, it feels that way, but i might be expecting to much from org-mode. As its indeed a malformed "SCHEDULED:" statement, but not meant to be interpreted as one. -- Med venlige hilsner Jacob Toft Pedersen http://rotand.dk/blog