Oh thanks, that was clear. However, I wanna figure out if another change would somehow fix another problem, when in the (var value) pair, the value contains quotation marks, for example 123°34'23.34", the assignment would fail. In macro she-org, change (quote (format "\"%s\"" el)) to (quote (format "%S" el)) Now I can use the $ prefix to assign the string value. | zhyznd@163.com | ---- Replied Message ---- | From | Ihor Radchenko | | Date | 2/22/2023 19:18 | | To | zhaoyiyu | | Cc | Michael Dauer , Timothy , | | Subject | Re: BUG: org-sbe not working anymore: Format specifier doesn’t match argument type | zhaoyiyu writes: Maybe change the org-sbe macro? Below is a workaround. Sorry, I was not clear. This bug has been fixed. I can no longer reproduce it. -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode contributor, Learn more about Org mode at . Support Org development at , or support my work at