I'm using Org on Windows with Czech enviroment. When I clock-in event I always get abbreviation of weekday in wrong encoding " [2009-02-26 èt 02:36]", it should be  "[2009-02-26 čt 02:36]".
I found that I could use "org-time-stamp-custom-formats" to remove abbreviation (%a), however I like the name of the day :)
Could somebody help me how to setup Emacs, ie. what function does Org use in order to get date ?
Right now I have (setq default-input-enviroment "czech-qwerty") and (set-language-environment "Czech") in my .emacs file and I'm able to do everything I need, except those dates (so i guess I'm stil lmissing something)
Thank you

Petr Ruzicka