Sharon Kimble <> wrote:
Thanks Marc.
Here it is -
(if (eq window-system 'x)
(shell-command "xmodmap -e 'clear Lock' -e 'keycode 66 = F13'"))
(global-set-key [f13] 'execute-extended-command) ;;sets caps-lock as meta-key


On Sun, 05 Jan 2014 20:36:20 +0100
Marc-Oliver Ihm <> wrote:

Hi Sharon,

not sure, what happened in your setup. Maybe things can get clearer,
if you would supply the line of lisp that you employed to bind F13.
Was it something like

(global-set-key [(f13)] 'org-archive-subtree)



Am 05.01.201 4 04:35, schrieb Sharon Kimble:
Whilst trying to set a key binding to archive 'DONE' todo items, by
trying to bind F13 [aka CapsLock] to '2', so the finished intended
result would have been - F13 + 2 = DONE & ARCHIVED. This is a global
key binding, although I was trying for a local one. How do I know
its 'global'? Because CapsLock now does not work for me to use in
this email!

So, how do I revert CapsLock to being its intended F13 please? And
how do I set up a local key binding to avoid this situation in the
future please?


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Thinking about it, that is the original code in my .emacs which set it up correctly. The code that I typed in, in the mini-buffer was a local key-binding from the wikemacs site. Sorry I can't be more precise as I'm no longer at my computer.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.