Le 8 septembre 2018 04:48:18 GMT+05:30, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa a écrit : >Hey all, > >I'm a long org-mode user and I absolutely love it. During the years >I've >been using org, nothing else came close to being so simple and so >powerful >as org - and I a lot tried different productivity apps. > >One thing that would nicely complement org, in my opinion, would be a >visualization mode for its buffers. Right now I sometimes use >Freeplane*[0] >to draft/brainstorm complex ideas or problems/solutions and then attach >it >to an org item and write more specific action items there. > >It'd be nice to have everything in a Freemind map, if needed. What I'm >proposing is a way to visualize org buffers in Freeplane and >vice-versa. > >It could also be a script that uses something like graphviz*[1] to >create a >graph of one or more org buffers, like Sasha Chua did here: >http://pages.sachachua.com/evil-plans/, although I prefer using >Freeplane >since it allows me to edit the org file as a mind-map, visually, if I >want. > >I think a script to automatically transform the Freeplane XML to org >and >vice-versa wouldn't be too hard to come up with. The graphviz solution >is >also interesting and Sasha already provides the snippets. > >Are any other people out there that are already doing something similar >to >what I described above? Maybe we could share some ideas on how to >tackle >this feature or if it'd be worth adding it into the org core ;) > >Cheers! > >- Marcelo > >*[0] https://www.freeplane.org/wiki/index.php/Home >*[1] https://www.graphviz.org/ Hi, There have been attempts for similar things. 1. There was org-freemind : https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/FreeMind. To convert between org and freemind files. It went out of maintenance and bitrotted. Doesn't work anymore, but the code is available for you to play with. 2. There is org-mind-map : https://github.com/theodorewiles/org-mind-map . Simple, and it works. It uses graphviz. It is somewhat based on Sacha's evil-plans.